Sasha's Little Scholars
Academy & Daycare
Little Scholars Academy’s Staff Trainer has over 18 years experience. She ensures that each of our teachers and caregivers are fully trained to the standards we uphold and that they possess the type of passion for teaching and caring that we feel is a rarity in today’s childcare and education. She circulates from school to school, maintaining continued training, guidance and support to our staff members.
Our teachers and caregivers are an exceptional blend of people, each bringing their unique talents to the classroom. They are the greatest assets we have by far. Our Lead Teachers have a minimum of 1800 hours of practical experience as well as 40 hours Early Childhood Education.
Each member of staff is certified in pediatric CPR and First Aid as well as health and safety training. All of our teachers have passed extensive work history verification, personal and professional reference checks and a criminal background check. Upon hire, they undergo an intense training program in the successful actions of 20+ years’ experience as well as 20 hours in Early Childhood Development, specific to our age group with an additional 15 hours annually. Above all, it is their genuine love of children that truly sets the teachers at Little Scholars Academy apart!